Shrimp seeds

Tuesday, July 28, 2009
I happened to buy 500 shrimp seeds yesterday this was done after a few months of waiting to finally get the contact no and location of the hatchery, what i thought as a herculean task turned out to be a very simple one as 500 seeds were packed in a single plastic pack and it was slightly bigger than your average packet and less than a backpack.

Unlike my assumption the seeds were very small like microbes, it would be exaguration if i said not seen with naked eye but they were small and around 1cm.To be honest i doubt if there really was 500 seeds.

let me see how many survives.

As per suggestion at the hatchery i had purchased starter feed which were small granules and it did appear to me that these granules were bigger than its mouth, and in the begining they were holding on to those granules, but consumption appeared low as granules continue to be there without much changes.

After receiving the quota of 2000 seed fishes there were only around 1300+ in which there were many dead by the time it was brought, from which 24 of these dead were thrown into the barrel of these shrimp seeds and the shrimps were clinging on to the dead fish may be dead seed fish is the best feed for shrimp seeds.


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